Eva Giedt is a psychotherapist and mental health nurse practitioner in private practice and offers online private sessions utilizing mystical principles. She is passionate about embodied purposeful living, conscious relationship, field awareness, and the explorations at the edge of the known and unknown. She works with individuals and facilitates groups and corporate wellness trainings; teaches meditation and qi gong; and is a certified Hakomi Therapist. She has been involved in healthcare as a practitioner and teacher for 30+ years. She has assisted Thomas in numerous US events and online courses with international reach. She recently assisted the first Timeless Wisdom Training US and currently assists in the first US Core Group. She works and lives in Marin and Monterey California.
Rae Riedel has thirty-years of experience in natural medicine. She is a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Functional Medicine Practitioner. She holds a Master’s in Spiritual Psychology, is a Certified Alchemy Breathwork Facilitator, and is currently finishing a certification in Hakomi (Body Centered and Mindfulness Based Psychotherapy). She has intensively studied nature-based wisdom and Shamanic traditions, and has been a student of Thomas Hübl (a modern day mystic) for 7 years, assisting him in his US based programs. She blends her diverse experience, offering a body-mind-heart-spirit approach engaging patients, students, and clients alike in the deepest level of transformation.
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